LOVE GOODLY interview with NOVICA Chief Executive Roberto Milk
Posted on May 19 2016

Co-founder and Chief Executive of NOVICA Roberto Milk took inspiration from his missionary grandmother, and turned that into a company that has now raised over $65 million dollars in support of artisans around the world. According to the NOVICA website, many artists "don't have the means to sell their work on the international market. NOVICA gives them a free platform to do this, and reach customers on a global scale."
Roberto is changing that and changing the world in the process! Follow the jump to learn more about NOVICA's Co-Founder!
What inspired you to start NOVICA?
My Peruvian grandmother was an artisan and my American grandmother was a missionary. My parents who were both teachers would pack myself, my brother, my best friend, my cousins and my grandmothers into a VW van and we’d travel all over Latin America. I daydreamed of Indiana Jones, collected a lot of rare and questionable souvenirs, and witnessed talented artisans in challenging circumstances. NOVICA is deeply embedded in those roots.
What was one of your biggest challenges in the beginning, as an entrepreneur?
In the beginning, I had overwhelming passion for my cause - but not enough hours in the day to accomplish everything. I neglected basic - but very important - people and things, like taking time to eat a meal. Now, I'm all about balance.

How does social good factor into your company's mission?
NOVICA directly connects customers with artisans, creating an engaging and positive marketplace environment. Our products meet the highest ethical and eco standards around.
What advice do you have for other entrepreneurs?
Have passion in what you do. You will eat, breathe, sleep your work - so you better believe in your cause.
Why did you choose to partner with LOVE GOODLY?
Our missions align closely. Given the choice and knowledge, we believe customers will choose an ethically-made, top quality product over a factory made one.