Guest Editor: Fitness and Style Guru Skully Smith
Posted on July 29 2016
Meet Skully. Photo: @skullysmith Instagram
We've been at this for a while, so trust us when we say that our next LOVE GOODLY guest editor is Balance Incarnate. Pairing pin-up girl flair with just the right amount of edge, fashion and fitness guru Skully Smith is a dark daydream come true. Yet she also has one of the brightest and warmest hearts, with a particular soft spot for animals, and this combo of light and dark makes her at once approachable and ethereal. Here she shares with us her fitness routine, tried and tested energy boosts, vegan fashion, and motivation tips to keep your Summer mind and body ready all year-round.
A new take on "Corpse Pose" Photo: @skullysmith Instagram
Best advice you have for people starting out on their fitness journey START TODAY! It's so easy to get caught up in the, "I'll start next week," excuse - and then next week turns into next month, and so on! Excuses are the devil on your shoulder telling you that you don't need to workout, when you know you do. You will ALWAYS feel such satisfaction for pushing through your barriers. As someone who used to loathe working out, I know how hard it can be to find a workout that you like and then actually stick to it! Fortunately I found a program that I absolutely LOVE, and I have been doing it for almost a year now. The best part is that its ONLY 30 minutes a day, a different workout each day of the week, and I get to do it in the comfort and privacy of my own home! If you want to learn more about the workout plan, send me an email and I will share all the details!
What always gives you an energy boost? No day starts without a cup of coffee in bed first thing in the morning! Once I have my coffee, water, and B12 spray, then I can face my workout! Once I finish my workout, I ALWAYS have my vegan chocolate Shakeology smoothie! It's the perfect post-workout protein, pre-probiotic, nutrient dense shake that tastes like dessert.
Skip the pills: B-12 Spray is a quick and easy way to make sure you're getting enough of this important vitamin! Find some at LOVEGOODLY.COM
Skip the pills: B-12 Spray is a quick and easy way to make sure you're getting enough of this important vitamin! Find some at LOVEGOODLY.COM
What do you look for in vegan fashion? I've always been really into fashion and I'm super picky about what I wear. I've always had my own sense of style, and that hasn't changed since I became vegan. I still wear all the same things I wore before, but cruelty free versions! That includes all my makeup and skincare! It's so easy to shop cruelty free and vegan now that so many companies understand it's an important issue for a lot of consumers. I think it's important to stay true to who you are, and being vegan shouldn't mean that you have to forfeit looking good! There are so many brands out now who are making awesome vegan clothing and shoes, so it's not hard to look stylish and still stay true to your vegan ethics.
My super talented husband and I started a little t-shirt company called Modern Compassion. Our goal is to cater to our vegan friends who want to rep the lifestyle and look cool while doing it! As business grows, we plan to make donations to support our favorite sanctuaries and organizations so we can give back to the people who are making a big difference in the lives of animals. We plan to expand on the brand in the near future. Shout out to everyone who has purchased from us! We thank you!
Snag this shirt at Skully and Dan Smith's shop Modern Compassion! Photo: @skullysmith Instagram
Most adorable animal encounter? My most adorable animal encounter is probably the bond I have with my cat Ashes. He's a big, fluffy, 20lb ball of pure love that likes to sleep on my head every night. I've had pets my whole life, but he and I have a special bond that melts my heart. He's really a Momma's boy and is super attached to me. My husband and I rescued him, and his adorable sister Veil, when they were babies from The Rescue Train about 7 years ago. Adopt, don't shop!
Ashes, Ashes, we all fall down (from swooning)! Photo: @skullysmith Instagram
One easy change people can make and see results? Consistency. In your workout, in your diet, in your ethics- you must be consistent. That will give you the change you wish to see. When you are consistent, people are motivated by your dedication and know that its not just a trend or something you're following for the moment, and they realize that if you can do it, so can they. Consistency is key!
What motivates you in life? Realizing that you can make a difference. I don't have the biggest following compared to some, but I have a decent enough following to know that my reach is wide, and important. When you have a platform to send a message, I think it's important to put out a positive one. I just want people to be aware of the devastation that's happening to our planet due to animal agriculture, the thousands of animals who are being held down and tested on for your makeup, body care, and cleaning products. The torturous life of a factory farm animal until their slaughter. The animals who are skinned alive for your coat. We can all make lifestyle changes that stop supporting this inhumane and destructive cycle. There are far better and sustainable ways to live life, you just have to have the desire and heart to be part of the change!
Thank you LOVE GOODLY for choosing me to be guest editor this month, and for all the goodies you have supplied me with to share with my followers! It's companies like you that help show the world all the amazing cruelty-free alternatives we have!