Choosing Compassion - Get To Know Our Partners at Farm Sanctuary

Justine Lassoff

Posted on March 15 2016

Choosing Compassion - Get To Know Our Partners at Farm Sanctuary
Follow the adventures of rescued piglets on The Daily Squeal
Get to know Farm Sanctuary's Wendy Matthews who - through her roles as our Event Coordinator, Education and Outreach Manager, and now as Manager of Engagement Strategy - connects people with the resources they need to make more compassionate choices for themselves, animals, and the planet.
What inspired you to work for Farm Sanctuary? What is your role?
I first applied here after reading Gene Baur’s book, Farm Sanctuary. I am currently Manager of Engagement Strategy.
Why did you choose to work for a nonprofit?
I wanted go to bed each night leaving the world a little better than I found it in the morning.

What is most fulfilling about your job?


Empowering people to see past misleading information and live true to their values. And through this shift, helping animals.


What career advice do you have for girls or young women?


Remove the word “just” from your vocabulary. Stop saying “I just want to suggest” or “just a thought.” Stop apologizing for having a voice.


 Rescued lamb Romy. Follow his adventures on The Daily Squeal.

Who is one of your favorites at Animal Acres?

Acton: Jimmy the Snout! He has a crooked nose and a giant heart. I’m in love.


Other: Our two rescued chickens, April and Beetle, who were adopted from Farm Sanctuary.


Can you share any future plans in the works at Farm Sanctuary?


Keep a close eye on, our plant-based living site, for exciting new recipes and videos.


What do you like doing on your time off?


I like to write, hike, read, grow things, and cook vegan feasts for those I love. Always studying something- right now, web development and banjo!


What are you most proud of regarding Farm Sanctuary's accomplishments?

Whenever we can inspire someone to eat a plant instead of an animal through tours, stories, or education, that is a major victory.  
Follow the adventures of Jimmy the Pig at Animals of Farm Sanctuary.

Alicia Silverstone (our April/May box guest curator) has been a long-time supporter and advocate of Farm Sanctuary, how has her involvement help bring awareness?


Alicia has been in our corner for so long and has helped us become what we are today. Whether it’s filming a PSA, signing a petition, or submitting a favorite recipe to, Alicia is always willing to step up and be the voice for animals. We love her!


What is your favorite city? Restaurant? 


City: New Orleans

Restaurant: Right now I’m in love with Ramen Hood at Grand Central market in LA, for the soup and the people watching. For a special occasion, I like Gracias Madre.

 If you could have dinner with 4 people (living or past) who would they be?

Oh, I could overthink this. So, just in this moment, off of the top of my head:

Jorge Luis Borges

Edward Abbey

Gram Parsons

Walt Whitman

It would be a weird dinner party.


For more about Wendy's role at Farm Sanctuary visit their blog.  

And while you're at it, keep a close eye on, Farm Sanctuary's plant-based living site, for exciting new recipes and videos!




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