Guest Editor: Suzi, Founder & Blogger of Gurl Gone Green
Posted on May 04 2017

This month's Guest Editor is Suzi from Gurl Gone Green. She talks about her nontoxic beauty and skincare journey, her inspiration, and her favorite food (p.s. you can find a recipe in our blog here!).
Why did you become a natural blogger?
After reading a book called No More Dirty Looks, I realized what was in my products was anything but pretty and I needed to make the switch. I had already switched over to clean eating, so this was the next step towards a natural lifestyle. I knew I wanted to share what I had learned with others in hopes that they to would transition to a toxic free life.
Instagram @ GurlGoneGreen |
How do you balance your career with being a mom?
Oh man, this is a hard question! It's a challenge for sure. For me it's about taking advantage of nap times, and at night when they're sleeping. My husband is so great and will take the girls when I need to get something done. We always say we're a team and I fully believe it. He helps me with a lot of the technical aspect of blogging, which is huge! I think overall planning is key. If I don't plan things out, then I set myself up for failure. |
What one piece of advice do you have for new bloggers?
I would say just be consistent and write from your passion. It's easy to get focused on what everyone else is doing but I would just focus on what you want to do, then you'll be effective. Don't try to be something you're not. Just be you, that's what people love as corny as it may sound.
Why is nontoxic beauty and skincare so important to you?
I know firsthand the toxins lurking in the beauty industry. Being a cosmetologist I've seen it in hair products, skincare and makeup. It's important because if we don't advocate for cleaner products, then this is what my daughter's are going to grow up using. It's about making this world safer for the next generation. Knowing that I did my part to help protect my girls and others against toxins is a great feeling.
Who inspires you?
My brother. He is the first person that really challenged me to take my health seriously and helped me switch over to eating clean. Then he raised the bar and challenged me to look into cleaner beauty products. I'm so thankful for his passion to live life to the fullest, because it's caused me to challenge myself!
What is your morning routine?
I go to the gym with my sister-workout for an hour. I always listen to a podcast while working out-me time. Come home, shower, wash my face, brush my teeth, do my makeup, blow dry my hair and then feed my youngest daughter(7 months). Then I make a smoothie for myself.
How did you decide to start a podcast?
I love listening to podcasts! Really that's what started me thinking I should start one. I just really love learning as much as a I can and getting other people's perspectives. I thought what better way than to start a podcast and share all of the nuggets with my audience. Plus, it's totally different than writing and thought it might be nice to have something in a new format.
What is the most challenging about being a blogger?
One word that comes to mind is juggling. You're constantly being pulled in a lot of directions. I could spend a day just responding to e-mails alone! Then you have new content you want to create, plus be consistent on social media, people want to interview you, you need to get new photos taken, update your website...etc. There's just a lot of constant juggling happening. I've become an avid list maker-helps a ton!
What is the most rewarding thing?
Getting e-mails or messages telling you how your blog has changed someone's life and how they've switched over their products. People will tell me how much the podcast has helped them. It makes it all worth it and so rewarding. It's what it's all about.
What is your favorite food? drink? restaurant? place to vacation?
Mexican is definitely my fave. Give me some chips and guac and I'm good! I'm a lover of sparkling water-add some lemon or lime makes it even better. My favorite restaurant is definitely Cafe Gratitude even though we don't have one where I live. Every time I go to L.A. I have to hit it up-so good! Hawaii is definitely my favorite vacation spot-nothing beats the beach. |
Instagram @ Cafe Gratitude |
What one (or 3) words best describes you?
Passionate, driven, consistent
We hope you enjoyed reading about one of our favorite women in vegan lifestyle. Thank you for visiting the LOVE GOODLY blog, where we promote a cruelty-free and nontoxic lifestyle!